
Sociological Views On Tattoos

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I’m going to bring up viewpoint of why people think the way they do. Since my topic is views on how corporations see tattoos and piercings it would help to know why they see them in a negative aspect. So first starting with the history of why tattoos are viewed in a negative way and how it is a rapidly changing society. Also I am going to show the psychological and sociological viewpoints about why some may discriminate against others based on their physical appearance. In the sociological journals it talks about how people with tattoos fit into society differently from those who don't have any because of the ways they flaunt their self expression. Some of those viewpoints are why companies see as unprofessional but as long as they follow dress code then no one has to see their tattoos. The psychology of a person is related to the appearance of another and how that affects the face to face, customer and employee relationship. I will also go over how having your own experiences or beliefs that you have marked on your body interacts with the other coworkers. With that i will be touching on how like minded individuals function better in a whole whether it be society or just in a little community and why employers want the same individual. I will also shed some light on the controversial question about the health risks of having a tattoo or piercing. Lastly i will go over how society is trying to denature us and make us all one efficient productive unit but how there are so

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