
Sociopathy Vs Psychopath

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In many mainstream media productions, the usage of the word psycho has classified and even defined an entire genre of films. People typically think of gaudy horror films or famous serial killers when the terms psychopath and sociopath are mentioned.This stigma associated with these medical terms has caused widespread confusion and misunderstanding. Many people have preconceived notions that the terms psychopath and sociopath are interchangeable, and although pop culture and modern media use them as such, though they are related, they are actually two completely adverse disorders.
Sociopathy is a very elusive disorder that is under the umbrella of a much wider range of personality disorders. This disorder is characterized mainly …show more content…

Sociopaths are”known to be quite vexing” as are psychopaths. The difference lies in how they get what they want and how they respond to given situations. The standard of behavior for these disorders somewhat fails to recognize that even the mentally ill have personalities of their own. Each individual does not always fit inside of a predefined box with “expected” behaviors. The lines between sociopathy and psychopathy are blurred due to vast number of similarities. Extensive research from psychologists all over the word have conflicting information and controversial outlooks. Sociopaths and Psychopaths share many traits, and because of this overwhelming similarity, they are often confused and mistaken for one another. These two disorders are differentiated mainly by actions of the mentally ill. Compare two small children both seeking the same toy that a normal child has. A psychopathic mindset says, “take the toy and harm the possessor so they cannot take it back”(noting that this is completely devoid of guilt or remorse for the normal child’s suffering). The sociopathic mindset says,”persuade the child via blackmail, bribery, or outright lies into giving you the toy.” Both achieve the same goal, but through different courses of action. This is the ultimate difference between a psychopath and a

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