
Socrates Interlocutor

Satisfactory Essays
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Note: The conversation occurred over social media, and then was transferred here above some minor grammatical corrections for readability.
The conversation was every bit as sarcastically pleasant as predicted on the assignment sheet meaning, of course, that it had the same pleasantness of pulling teeth. However, the point of the conversation is not for what is pleasant but, rather, what is good. In that regard, it may have been marginally successful.
My interlocutor – my father, Jeff – became upset during the conversation, so much so that my mother sent me a text telling me that I was making him grumpy. However, despite this, he did seem to recognize that some of the foundation of his opinion may not be solid or grounded in fact, which was the purpose of the conversation. …show more content…

This difficulty is furthered by, essentially, the stubbornness of people. Getting an interlocutor to outright admit that one of his life views is not secure is, unsurprisingly, difficult to do, thus the neat conclusion of a clear admission of this that Socrates often gets in Plato’s writings becomes a challenging proposition. This is most certainly influenced by the nature of a real life conversation contrasted with the nature of the conversations in Plato’s writings. Specifically, in Plato’s writings, the questions and responses are dictated by the same person – Plato – and, thus Socrates can get desired responses and clear admissions if Plato wants him to get them. In an actual conversation, this is obviously not the case, as the interlocutor can continually respond in unpredicted or irrational

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