
Socrates Vs Socrates

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Socrates’ primary counter argument is one of substance verses superficiality. To judge an unjust person as happy and blessed based solely on appearance misses the great turmoil inside such a person. Because we are unable to examine the inner world of the individual, Socrates constructs two cities, one built on justice and the other on injustice, as models for the just and unjust person. To understand the devastating end of the unjust person one, need look no further than the unjust city says Socrates.
Socrates argues that the city is made up of three classes: the money-making, auxiliary and deliberative (Republic 441a1). A city is just when each class remains in its proper place and performs its own work. The role of the deliberative class is to rule while the money-making class concerns itself with matters of business, and the auxiliary with affairs of defense. It would be unthinkable for the military to concern itself with business and vice versa because this is not their strength. The same holds true for the deliberative class. Justice in a city requires each of the classes remaining in their respective roles and perform those functions well and especially for the deliberative class to rule over all.
With regard to the individual, Socrates tells us “…the same number and same kinds of classes as are in the city are also in the soul of each individual...” (Republic 441c 4-5). The corresponding three parts in the individual are reason, spirit and appetite. Reason rules over

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