
Sojourner Truth Logos

Decent Essays

Sojourner Truth uses many devices in her speech. Some of these devices are rhetorical question ,ethos and logos. Sojourner uses these devices to discuss the struggle for women's equality in a male dominant society.Truth’s experiences as a black woman in America suitably provided her with the understanding and motivation to speak on women’s rights. She also states questionable facts to make a strong argument. She also uses biblical references to allow other women to relate and understand what she is trying to convey, since most Americans at the time where christian.
When Sojourner Truth uses ethos, she introduces her audience to her experiences to prove a point of injustice. She writes, “I could work as much and eat as a man when I could I could …show more content…

The references to the Bible allowed other women to relate to her speech easily and see how strong and capable they are. She writes “If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back , and get it right side up again!”. With Sojourner Truth use of logos she is able to use Eve’s actions to argue her point that women have enough power to make difference in the world. In the story of Adam and Eve, Eve was tricked by the devil to eat the apple from a tree in which she wasn't supposed to eat from. By doing this, she turned the world upside down. Sojourner’s argument is that because Eve had the power to cause something big, women can have the power to make a difference in the world. Another biblical reference that she uses was when she writes “ He says women can't have as much rights as men cause Christ wasn't a women! Where did your Christ come from?”. By applying a Rhetorical question Truth asks the question “Where did your Christ come from?” to make a point that Christ was made from a man and a women therefore women should have equal rights as a man. Sojourner Truth makes connections to the bible to enable a stronger connection between her argument, and the

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