
Solitary Confinement Is The Ultimate Punishment, Surpassing Torture And Even Death

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Solitary confinement is the ultimate punishment, surpassing torture and even death. Isolation mutilates one’s emotions and feelings far beyond repair, causing unprecedented emotional changes. This virulent mental corruption is present throughout the story Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, taking place on a Great-Depression-era ranch where all of the characters are secluded in some way. Solitude disintegrates dreams, unveils the desire to ravage the impuissant, and numbs the longing for friendship. Solitude erodes dreams and goals because the lack of achievement causes one to regret and destroy their goals. To start with, the stable buck Crooks in Of Mice and Men dreams of his childhood, owning “a strawberry patch” and “setting […] chickens out in the alfalfa”, leading a jovial, carefree life (Steinbeck 73). Crooks desires the times of his childhood, but his time at the ranch has only led to his degradation. The white men on the ranch continually harass and berate Crooks, falsifying their claims of opulent parties and fun with physical beatings. Crooks’ ostracization from the other men furthers the disintegration of his dream, for he is alluded to a horse, fused into the spirits of the animals tended by him. When one is unable to express their thoughts, they are forced to keep their dreams in their head. Much like a ball that bounces on the walls of a room and loses its impetus, dreams confined within one’s head wither if their expression cannot be attained. In addition,

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