
Something Wicked This Way Comes Charles Halloway Quotes

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In “Something Wicked This Way Comes” by Ray Bradbury, Charles Halloway is a character that faces internal and external conflicts. The evidence “Hell, I was forty when he was born.” (Bradbury 37), “He’s too young, I’m too old. God, sometimes I wish we’d never…” (90), and “You know what I hate most of all? Not being able to run anymore, like you.” (131) is used to show how Charles Halloway faces the internal conflict of wanting to be young. Because of this Charles gets bothered when he sees the age gap between his family. Charles also has an ill-stricken heart which adds to his internal conflict. Charles is always thinking about how his family is so young and how he is way older than them. Charles Halloway worries and constantly lets these conflicts

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