
South Killed Reconstruction Dbq Essay

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Racism has been a horrific existence in our society since before the 1870's. Around 1876, America was just beginning to open up enough job opportunities for all Americans.After the Civil War, a freedman was just allowed to become full citizens. Did the North or South demolish the reformation of the South? The South killed reconstruction by using violent racist groups, non-violent racism, and igniting state issues. The South demolished reconstruction by using violent racist groups. Document A supports this idea by giving visuals and quotes from some of the people involved in this torture. "... was stabbed five or six times, and then hanged on a hook in the Grand Jury room..." In addition, document B also gives vivid images and details on how the South's violent groups played the biggest role in killing reconstruction. "... took me out of bed, took me to the woods and whipped me three hours or more..." I believe that these violent groups such as the KKK, was the biggest contributor to the destruction of the south during reconstruction. …show more content…

Document D supports this claim by showing courthouse representatives being rowdy and uncivil towards the "uneducated blacks". For example, one of the wealthy men (doctors or farmers) said, "... the blacks, as a people, are unfitted for the proper exercise of political duties..."The white men were talking down on the blacks about their level of intelligence. My belief is that this behavior was unnecessary and not civil. The rowdiness of wealthy whites played a huge role in the South's

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