
South Reconstruction Dbq Essay

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During the south reconstruction African Americans lived through many living crises. South Reconstruction began after the civil war ended in 1865 and continued through 1877. It was introduced by the government of the southern whites, although they did not act alone. The reconstruction goal was to abolish slavery for good, and second to recruit trustworthy governments that were loyal to the union and that respected federal authorities. However, For the freed african americans in south reconstruction had a negative impact socially, politically and economically. Socially African Americans were taken advantage of by the whites, politically they implemented laws that controlled and limited african americans rights and economically, sharecropping …show more content…

Many african american did not like the way that whites would control them. On September 10, 1874 the editorial of Atlanta News states, “We have submitted long enough to indignities, and it's time to meet brute-force with brute force”(Document H). They have had enough of constantly being told what to do and wanted to make a change. They were willing to try anything to change the unequal treatment that they received regardless the white democrats of the north. In March 25, 1871 a group of freedman wrote a petition to the united states congress which revealed the harassment that african americans received by the whites (Document J). An organization called Ku Klux Klan had a goal to eliminate as many african american people as possible. African americans found themselves in a very dangerous situation because not only was the law giving them very little attention but they were in risk of being mobbed out or killed by the KKK. It says, “ We believe you are not familiar with.. Ku Klux Klan’s riding nightly over the country, going from country to country and in towns spreading terror wherever they go by robbing, whipping, ravishing[rapping], and killing our people without provocation”. White people got together and attacked the blacks with violence to get rid of them. All they wanted was to live a normal life, but, the southern whites made it almost impossible for them to do

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