
Southampton County Rebellion Analysis Essay

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Nat Turner’s Rebellion also known as the Southampton County Rebellion or the Southampton Insurrection, was a revolt led by Nat Turner and fellow slaves in 1831. It is remembered as one of a handful of antebellum slave revolts that profoundly changed the attitudes of white Americans toward slavery, and may, in fact, have had the most significant lasting impact on the politics of slavery and on the way slavery is remembered as an institution in American cultural memory. The rebellion itself lasted no more than two days, but the effects resulted in laws being passed restricting education and religious affairs for black slaves, as well as the tightening of militia efforts to prevent another uprising. The change in mindset over slavery …show more content…

However, Turner fell ill and was not able to follow through with the July 4th plan and they agreed to postpone the attack for now. On August 13, 1831, an atmospheric disturbance was observed causing the sun to appear blue-green in the sky. Turner and his fellow slaves saw this as the final sign to begin what they had planned to do. A little over a week later on August 22, 1831, they began their viscous attack. Their plan was to move systematically from plantation to plantation in Southampton and kill all white people connected to slavery, including men, women, and children. The group started at Joseph Travis’s house, the home of Turner’s current master. Despite, Turner stating that Travis was “a kind master”, they slaughtered him and his family. They continued moving from house to house, plantation to plantation murdering everyone that they came upon. Before it was all over, nearly 60 white men, women, and children had been murdered by Turner and the slaves who had joined him. They began their trek to Jerusalem where they planned to continue their savage killings, but were met with opposition while simultaneously the Governor of Virginia had dispatched armed militia to end the rebellion and bring the accused to justice. While on their way to Jerusalem, Turner and his men were met by armed militia. Violence was met with violence as those responsible were met with force. Following the rebellion, all of the men responsible were either caught or killed,

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