
Essay on Southern Blacks and The Issue of Divorce

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I hate divorce” says the Lord God of Israel (Kings James Bible, 1996)
Divorce is the legal severing of marital bonds and is on the rise in North America. In 2011, divorce in Blacks or African Americans is at an all-time high. Divorce has many implications for a society. If current trends continue, researches postulated that if African American children were not born outside of wedlock, the African American population would fail to reproduce itself and would rapidly die off. Blacks who are married live longer, are wealthier, happier, and choose healthy behaviors compared to Blacks who are divorced. Many Blacks living in the South or the “Bible Belt” of America profess faith in Christ or other spiritual connections, are often frequent …show more content…

This is an interesting question with very little answers. Divorce is a traumatic life altering event resulting from the legal severing of marital bonds. According to the American Heritage (2001) divorce is any action taken to legally dissolve a marriage. Divorce ends a marriage before the death of either spouse. Franklin and Boddie (2004) reported that within 10 years about 40-50% of American marriages end in divorce. Historically, Blacks were active participants in the American institution of marriage. Gallagher (1988) documents that in 1960; three quarters of African Americans were born into a family of a married couple. Surprisingly, this author reported that during the days of slavery a black child was more likely to grow up living with both parents than he or she is today. In 2011, the rate of divorce in Blacks is at an all-time high and more than two thirds of black marriage ends in divorce.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1988) reported that the national rate for divorce has been declining, but that divorce rates varied based on the state of resident of the divorcee. The divorce rate per 1,000 population for the entire United States was 4.6 in 1994, down from 4.8 in 1992. Generally, rates were lower in the Northeast and Midwest and higher in the West and Southeast. The CDC reported that as in previous years the rates

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