
Sparta Strengths And Weaknesses

Decent Essays

Education in Sparta: Did the Strengths Outweigh the Weaknesses?

Would you like to be neglected just because you weren’t strong? That is what a Spartan kid would undergo. Sparta is a small city-state located in Peloponnese, Greece. The Spartan civilization was established in 900 BCE Despite its early foundation, it lived fairly peacefully until the Persians and the Athenians came along and tried to invade Sparta. Sparta had to endure the assaults, and they had to fight to survive. Due to this, the education was based on the body strength and physical toughness. Until the fall of the empire, the education was essentially the same. Questioning if the strengths outweighed the weaknesses seems like a fair question to ask. After evaluating both …show more content…

High levels of physical fitness was desired even before a child is born. Several Spartan kids get neglected and ignored if they do not meet the strength and physical requirements under the Agoge’s training. Young women are often trained at wrestling, physical strength, and running so that their children will grow to become strong as well. If the child was male, the child was taken away from his parents at the astonishing age of seven to be controlled and trained by the government's agoge. Any sort of footwear wasn’t allowed, nor extra clothing. They were given insubstantial food to show them how it is to go on with an empty stomach. Once the children left the agoge, most of them went on to be great soldiers in the army forces. The men who have the strength and ability to, go forward to expand their specialization in strength and got on to the army. The stress that the Spartan government puts onto physical strength is stunning. It takes 14 long and exhausting years to complete the training in order to become a soldier. Most people volunteered at the ages of seven which was the starting, until twenty-one. At the early time when the education system switched to focus on the body, the world, not only Sparta, was getting attacks and invasions from outsiders and the physical educational system was surely

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