
Spartacus Corruption

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Spartacus takes place during the first century BC, in the ancient roman empire. this empire has slid into corruption and moral decay, extensively employing the work of slaves to carry out the lesser jobs of society. these slaves are often mistreated, abused, exploited, and worked until death, as shown in the opening scene where Spartacus's friend dies from work exhaustion. This opening scene takes place in a Roman salt mine in the province of Libya, where a large group of slaves toil with pick and axe to extract the precious mineral from the ground, and Roman soldiers guard, and abuse the slaves. the commentary tells us of the hopelessness of the soldiers situation, and that the only freedom they can hope of achieving is death. Spartacus …show more content…

they complete greulling daily fitness rutines, as well as mock fights. while there he befriends a number of the other slaves, foremost being Crixus, who goes on to become one of Spartacus's generals He and is shown to be a man distiguished in his ability to relate to others, and his leadership skills. He also attempts to make friends with an Ethiopian slave by the name of Draba, however Draba refuses, citing how gladiators do make friends, as the y may be required to kill one another in the arena. During this time the gladiators are kept in poor conditions, more akin to a prisoners life than an athletes, however some relief is given in the form of occasionally being allowed to sleep with a number of slave women. One such women is Varinia who meets Spartacus one night, and instead of the performing the regular sexual acts with one another, they form a friendship, which evolves into a bond born of love over the course of their time at the school. When taunted by Batiatus over His situation with Varinia, Spartacus shouts "I'm not an animal" at him. Varinia, present at the time, quietly says "neither am I". This exchange of dialogue serves to show that the slaves, as a rule, considered themselves to be human beings, entitles=d to the rights in which they had been deprived as

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