
Essay about Spartan and Persian Ideology

Decent Essays

Good afternoon, I’ve been asked to speak with you about the historical accuracy of recent popular culture incarnations of both Spartan and Persian ideology and in particular I’ve chosen to evaluate Zack Snyder’s 2007, movie 300 in order to demonstrate to you it’s compatibility between ancient sourced depictions of both Spartan and Persian philosophy.

From this evaluation and historical representations given by philosophers and historians during approximately the same era that is represented within 300. It is argued that the popular culture incarnations of Sparta as the ‘Noble, selfless fighters with a warrior mentality’ and the Persians as the ‘Evil, tyrannical, overindulgent, oppressors’ were not entirely historically accurate.

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These young men were also instructed to kill a ‘Helot’ aka a slave or person of servitude as opposed to the historical re-enactment of which the young men are only required to kill wolves thus softening the portrayal of the Spartan’s warrior mentality and representing them as thoughtful and fair people of which they weren’t necessarily.

Evidence of these ideals can be sourced from Xenophon’s historical account of Lycurgus ‘The father of Sparta, otherwise known as the lawgiver’ on the military training of Spartan youth.

He states that:
"He also assigned some of the grown-up boys as ‘whip-bearers’ so that they might inflict whatever punishment was necessary (on younger boys), so that the great dread of DISGRACE, and great willingness to obey, prevailed among them. Lycurgus, though he did not give the boys permission to take what they wanted without trouble, DID GIVE them the liberty to steal certain things to relieve the cravings of nature; and he made it honourable to steal as many cheeses as possible...
He taught the children from a desire to render them more dexterous in securing provisions, and better qualified for warfare.
...I must also say something of the boys as objects of affection, for this likewise has some reference to education.... Lycurgus thought proper, if any man (being himself such as he

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