
Special Duty Assignment

Decent Essays

Special Duty Assignment: Air Force Enlisted Accessions Recruiter ID/Justify: I understand that you have a burning desire to take care of people. I am going to suggest to the Chief that we vector you for Recruiter Duty. Recruiters are ambassadors of the Air Force and requires someone who is skilled in understanding an individual and their needs. With the respect that you’ve received from your peers and subordinates, it is clear that you have an unmatched ability to relate to people. In Recruiting, you will have many opportunities to work on the base and in the community to achieve the Air Force’s accessions mission. You will also get to work alongside individuals with different experiences and work in different career fields. This will be beneficial to you when you start looking into cross-training into other career fields. You will also be able to finally get away from turning wrenches for 3-4 years, which might be the break that you need to realize that this job is not as bad as you may think. Team Role Benefit: The Developmental Special Duty process is still a work in progress. With you team role being identified as a refiner, this will …show more content…

With your cognitive preference being more innovative, you will be able to find unique ways to recruit that other recruiters have not discovered. Because you dislike the status quo, you will not be the recruiter that just sits in his office, waiting for someone to come in. Instead, you will be more proactive because you enjoy working and the challenges associated with doing things differently than the way that everyone else does it. This will be beneficial to your well-being as you will make the job an enjoyable experience because you will be able to spend more time working with your applicants, improving their lives and less time trying to figure out what you have to do to be

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