
Specific Predictive Prophecies Are One Of Daniel’S Distinctive

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Specific predictive prophecies are one of Daniel’s distinctive elements (Rogers, The Date of Daniel: Does it Matter?). But what is predictive prophecy? Unlike the assumptions of some, not all prophecy foretells the future (Jackson, Principles of Bible Prophecy). It was frequently the case that prophets would forthtell past or present events (Jackson). For a prophecy to qualify as predictive, it must meet certain qualifications. First, the prophecy must be uttered significantly earlier than its fulfillment (Jackson). Second, the prophecy must contain specific details, not guesswork (Jackson). And third, the prophecy must be exactly fulfilled (Jackson). Geisler adds that legitimate predictive prophecies must contain unusual events that the …show more content…

However, Daniel addresses these four kingdoms elsewhere in his work, and the traditional identification of the four kingdoms is clear from a proper interpretation of those texts (Dan. 7:2-8, 17; 8:3-8, 20-22; Archer, A Survey of Old Testament Introduction, 376-78). Furthermore, Daniel does not distinguish between the Median and Persian kingdoms (McDowell 22). His inspired interpretation of the handwriting on the wall depicts the Persians, not the Medians, as the conquerors of Babylon (Dan. 5:28; McDowell 23). Even if Daniel was written in the second-century B.C., some of his prophecies are still predictive since Rome was not a significant world power and Christ’s kingdom was not yet established (Geisler 179; McDowell 24-25). Therefore, no logical reason exists to reject the predictive element of Daniel’s four-kingdom prophecy. Another example of Daniel’s predictive element comes from the prophecies of the Grecian empire (Dan. 8:3-8, 20-22; 11:3-4). A sixth-century B.C. date for Daniel places him approximately 200 years or more before Alexander the Great began his conquests (Elwell 1: 50). The former prophecy accurately depicts Alexander’s victory over the Persian Empire between B.C. 334 to 331 (Walton 554). The latter prophecy vividly describes the partitioning of Alexander’s mighty empire after his death (554, 560). Additionally, Josephus preserves a tradition that records Jewish priests presented Alexander the Great with the book of Daniel

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