
Spider Monkeys Vs Chimpanzees Essay

Decent Essays

Spider monkeys and chimpanzees might seem the same, but they’re very different. For instance, they might have similar locations in central South America, they are different because chimpanzee cohabitant with species of their kind and or any different species of monkey, where as spider monkey's only cohabitat with of their own species. Also a chimpanzee is an ape and a Spider does not.(an ape is the same as a monkey, but an ape does not have a tail)There are more similarities and differences between spider monkey's and chimpanzees as you read on.
Both spider monkeys and chimpanzees are on the endangered species list. Spider monkeys are on the endangered species list because of loss of habitat. They have officially been on the list in 1996. Chimpanzees are on the endangered species list as well because of poaching and loss of habitat. They both were officially on the endangered species list in 1990. …show more content…

For instance, female chimpanzees on average weigh about 134 pounds, a male chimpanzee they weigh about 104 pounds, average weight of a female spider monkey is 21 pounds. As a male spider monkey the average weight is 24 pounds. You might mistake a Chimpanzee’s fur to a Spider monkey’s fur because they are both the same color.You can tell the difference by the spider monkeys fur is thicker than a chimpanzees fur. You also might notice that a chimpanzee does not have a tail, but a spider monkey does. That is because chimpanzees are apes and spider monkeys are monkeys. They both have black fur, but the spider monkeys fur can be black or brown. The most common color for a spider monkey is black, their faces are black as well. Chimpanzees fur is black, their faces are black or

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