
Spin Cast Fishing Research

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It is that state between sleep and awake. When your senses absorb the sounds and smells that envelop your subconsciousness, frolicking thoughts that dance between dreamlike state. The morning dew dampened the ground and everything that its sinuous fingers touched. Magic in this place happens when you least expect it, but it happens. Every day.

When there was not a high probability of inclement weather, I preferred to sleep without a tent or tarp. Counting sheep may be effective for some but in this place, sans the permeating glow of countless city luminaries, counting of stars and terrestrial bodies allowed the deepest slumber. Tents simply impede the connection to the life that pulsates in every breeze of this place.

Slowly, I unzipped …show more content…

The bait can be anything from earthworms, night-crawlers, minnows, cheese or even corn. The second method is termed spin cast fishing. The weight of the lure, when thrusted forward, pulls out line from the reel and is then retrieved by turning the handle on the reel. This method uses an artificial lure that simulates minnows or other water loving creatures that would elicit a response out of a fish. The third method is fly fishing. This sport is performed with a well matched and balanced set of gear. Flies are tied from feathers, fur, beads and thread to simulate the movements of insects, minnows, frogs and leeches.

After a few casts toward shore with a rubber legged, yellow cork popper, an angry smallmouth bass lunged 6” out of the water gulping the fly and returning to it’s home underneath a fallen log that jutted into the water. 5 minutes of give and take landed this beautiful fish which I promptly returned to the water. This was not the species I desired. Smallmouth were active this morning as three more decided that what I was offering was what they …show more content…

Visualizing the movements of the fly is important to better simulation of natural leeches. Slow short retrieval with a 1 second pause continued as the fly line piled into the bottom of the canoe. Suddenly I felt a resistance on the line and lifted the rod tip to set the hook. I waited but there was not any movement of the line. I tugged again only to feel what could only be a snag into a deep log or rock. Reeling the loose line onto the spool, I started paddling towards the area that the hook was embedded in the dark depths. As I glided over the top of the hook location it moved. Slowly at first but then picking up speed. Quickly I adjusted the drag setting on the reel only to watch in desperation as the line continued to rapidly leave the confines of the aluminum frame. I placed the palm of my left hand onto the reel hoping to create more resistance to slow down the efforts of the fish that had taken my fly. Soon I was being moved across the water towards the windward side of the island. 10 then 20 and 30 yards of backing zipped off of my reel. My left hand was aching from the friction burns as I feebly attempted to slow the progress of my prey. As I reached the 70 yard mark I came to the startling realization

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