
Sports Concussions And CTE

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Concussion and CTE
A concussion is an mTBI that affects brain function and is caused by a single blow or violent shaking of the head or upper body (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2017). Most sport-related head injuries are minor and although the majority of athletes who suffer a concussion recover within a few days or weeks, a small number of individuals develop long-lasting or progressive symptoms. This is especially true in cases of repetitive concussion or mTBI in which at least 17% of individuals develop CTE (McKee et al., 2015). The incidence rates recorded thus far for concussions is highly likely to be a very conservative number and seriously under-estimates the true incidence. Reasons for this being that: a) reports by associations tend to only record athletes who experience a loss of consciousness (LOC) and b) players and coaches usually lack awareness of or minimize symptoms of …show more content…

The popular mental-toughness mindset exercised by athletes to push through the pain however can be a dangerous mantra with players who sustain such injuries. Through the fear of being unable to play and stigma towards underperforming through the eyes of their coaches, athletes will continue to ignore symptoms, especially before an important game. However, because concussions lack the dramatic on-field nature of those with LOC, they are typically more difficult to detect and likely under-diagnosed (Collins et al., 1999). Athletes will report symptoms consistent with concussion, however less than 25% realize in fact, that they have sustained a concussion. This partially explains why some injuries appear to go unrecognized or unreported by the athletes

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