
Sports Injury Research Paper

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Health means both physical and mental: these are two sides of the same coin, with one more often affecting the other. Football is one of the most popular sports played by young athletes, and it leads all other sports in the number of injuries sustained. Severe and recurrent injuries in football players are considered to be major physical and psychosocial stressors. In common with athletes from other sports, severe or recurrent injuries may predispose them to mental health problems in the short and long-term and to adverse psychological effects such as lower self-esteem and adverse health behavior.

Recently, other sources of mental stressors have been reported in football, especially organizational pressure related to …show more content…

But no matter how hard you train, an injury can happen at any time and often without warning. ” Well in playing for so long I have noticed that many players have a harder time thinking and focusing in school because their mental capacity has gone down because of the repeated blows they have taken while playing. I have also noticed that while all of us on the team may be in our teens we have the bodies of elderly people because of all the wear, tear and stress we have put on our bodies.” (Seiden) Perhaps you take too quick a cut around a defender, or don’t see that linebacker coming at your back your season and your career could end in a snap. (Men's …show more content…

However, problematic reactions are those that either do not resolve or continue to worsen over time, or where the severity of symptoms seem excessive and unusual. For decades, depression for example was only discussed in the shadows. Speaking about it publicly was as a sign of weakness. But today, a light is being cast on it by all players, their families, the NFL, NCAA, and even high school teams because of life-threatening consequences -- a point that has been magnified with recent revelations linking depression with chronic traumatic encephalopathy, which is the degenerative brain condition caused by repeated blows to the head. As high school football player Noah Seiden said when asked if the thought crosses his mind about the fact that there is a possibility he could get seriously injured and his life could change, and if that thought held him back. And his response was truly breathtaking, “ Every Time you step on that field you do not think about the fact that there is a possibility you might not walk off you go out on that field because you love it and you do it for yourself and your brothers it is just a subconscious

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