
Sports Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

When the vague line between fun competition and a self esteem shattering game is crossed a community is left to decide how to handle it. Competitive sports in schools should be eliminated due to the fact that children can no longer enjoy them for the fun, but rather overwork themselves to be victorious. Competitive sports for children can shatter their self esteem, ruin their ability to learn and destroy their relationships. Children, all the way up to age 18, are usually, if not always, exposed to competitive sports and probably even encouraged to play them. They are taught to play them to win not to have fun. Article two states that “In a competitive culture, a child is told that it isn’t good enough to be good -- he must triumph over others.”(Kohn) Children are often crushed by each other and the adults around them because they are not the “star player” or they didn’t play as well as another child. These kinds of phrases can defeat not only a player, but a small child who knows nothing but competition. Article one tells about how “Competition has a bad reputation… Even in a Thesaurus, other words for “competitive” are “bloodthirsty” and “cutthroat”.”(Coffin) Kids are left unsheltered from the wrath of competition and are usually left damaged from such extreme ideas. The notion of children becoming “bloodthirsty” and playing a “cutthroat” game should affect people more than it does and it should show that the environment they are put into is not appropriate for kids of

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