
Spots: A Short Story

Decent Essays

One day there was a leopard named Spots, who was trying to find something to eat. Spots was the cruelest leopard in the jungle and loved to boss everyone around. Spots finally found a little mouse eating a piece of fruit. When Spots was about to catch the mouse, he slipped and the mouse dashed away. Spots was very disappointed so he headed home to take a nap. [2] When Spots got home, he layed down in his hammock. Spots was so hungry he was dreaming about food like, chicken, mice, and rabbits. When Spots woke up his stomach would not stop growling. He needed something to eat right away. So he set off into the jungle on a search for food. [3] Spots kept searching, and searching all day, he looked in bushes, grass, and even in trees, but he …show more content…

He hid behind a tree and peeked around it and saw a monkey. The monkey had some fruit and Spots started to drool. Spots walked over to the monkey and asked him where he was bringing the fruit, the monkey said, ‘’ I can’t tell you, it’s a secret.” Then the monkey went on his …show more content…

But he didn’t like the idea that he would have to share his food that he got with all the other monkeys. So Spots made a plan that he would get all the fruit that the monkeys had stored and take it for him self. He would leave the monkeys home at night when everybody was sleeping. When it became dark outside, Spots made sure all of the monkeys were sleeping and then he left. [8] Spots was so happy and eager to get back home because he wanted to see what food he was going to eat first. When he got home he was eating all kinds of things like, chicken and turkey. Days and days passed on and Spots started to get sick of all the same foods he was eating day after day. so he wanted to find something else but he new it was going to be hard just like before. So he just kept eating the same things. The food started to get old and spoiled. [9] Spots chicken was so spoiled that he couldn’t even go near it. Then he remembered that he could sneak into the monkeys home and get some fresh food. When Spots left for the monkeys home he was really tired. He decided to go anyway. When he got there he thought there would be a guard or something guarding the entrance, because of the last time he was

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