
Spying From Space For A Long Time

Better Essays

Zhiteng Yao
UWP101 004
Rough Draft
Spying from Space
For a long time, I have been fascinated in the evolution of security and intelligence in the country. The use of satellites to gather intelligence has been the most fascinating. As such, I have followed closely various developments that have emerged since spying from the space arena came arose. Since 2000, terrorism has been the main security threat to the United States and many other countries. In response, the US government has extended surveillance to new heights where it uses satellites launched to collect images that track the movement of terrorists. However, most of the terrorist activities take place through the internet and also on social media. As such, the government has extended surveillance in the international internet traffic. Moreover, claims of intercepting calls and emails continue to dominate the media. Could another person be aware of the photos that I send to my girlfriend? Or could someone else be listening to my conversation and following me each step? In the recent past, people have been made to believe that these incidences are possible in the modern American society.
Interestingly, the development of spy from space cannot be solely attributed to the terrorist menace. However, power struggles between the US and other major powers especially Russia had a great role to play in the development. In fact, one can confidently assert that the United States could not have made such great

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