
Spyware Attack Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Logic bomb
In March 20, 2013 at 2 pm there was a cyberattack in South Korea produced by a logic bomb. These attack was directed to banks and broadcasting companies in which it start erasing information of their computers. Also one day before the attack South Korea receive a malicious message and never think that it will cause chaos .Some people think that Whols produce the attack, because they have a screenshot that show that the message was send from Whols.
Spyware People like to buy the cheapest product, but it has a price. In china were produced cellphones with a spyware, the software is Adups created by” Shanghai Adups Technology Company”. It can spy you using your GPS and seeing your personal stuff like phone calls and messages. The most affected company was BLU which is a North American company that had 120 000phones infected, but the can eject this from the phones. We have to be carefully in what we buy, because cheap things not always are the best option.

Adware …show more content…

Many users download this adware, there are exactly 5 million installations, this application seems to be like a dual account application. These malware ask you to log to your social medias , then it steals information from your social medias .Also ,the Russian security expose that it contains malware called android MulDrop which has others malware inside him like Tridian which is directly relationship with Trojan horses. In conclusion only for installing an app we can get a malware that will harm our phones without we notice

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