
Standardized Testing Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

All over the United States, children are being tested by the government every year at least four times a year. The government makes these exams which the children don’t have an idea what they will look like; not even teachers know. Standardized tests are used to see if students are being taught the requirements the government has. The government has certain requirements for the children to pass each grade level, and if they don’t meet the requirement they are held back. The argument in this essay is that standardized tests are to get rid of because it takes too much time, stresses children and parents, and wastes too much paper. Throughout the year, students are required to practice for the real exam at least up to four times a year. Administrators …show more content…

Many say children stress out due to all the testing going around. “Only 38 percent of the public – and only 31 percent of parents – support using students’ standardized test scores to evaluate teachers” (Walker). Less than fifty percent of parents approve of standardized testing and up to sixty percent of parents decided to opt out their kids from taking their tests (Wastvedt). “Sixty-one percent of students in New York's Cooperstown Central School District refused to take state assessment tests last month. The district is trying to stop the widespread "opt-out" movement” …show more content…

Most students think that it is pointless to take these exams when they could be learning other stuff and they also have other import projects to worry about. “I think they are too much. Students have enough homework, projects, quizzes and other tests to worry about, and they don’t need to be pressured to take a test that contains things that they might’ve forgotten” (Ferroni). “Schools now teach their students only on what they think will be on the tests. It’s not fair to our education. We should be learning for ourselves, not for others” (Ferroni). These students show how it’s important to them and others about learning, rather than to be tested on subjects every single

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