
Star Omarosa Essay

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4 Things About Apprentice Star Omarosa Omarosa Manigault rose to fame when she joined the cast of the reality television show, The Apprentice created by Donald Trump. She also appeared at The Celebrity Apprentice edition. Her role in the show started to gain attention as she became the villain among the contestants. She manifested techniques that alienated her fellow apprentices and was known for her controversial and manipulative tactics. However, she stated that the show’s producers just made her appear as the bad guy in the show. When Omarosa was called to return to The Celebrity Apprentice, she became the only person to be featured twice in the show. Apparently, audience found her role as a villain quite entertaining to watch. Whether …show more content…

Omarosa worked as a consultant during Clinton’s administration. She was assigned as a political consultant for Vice-President Al Gore and was tasked as the Deputy Associate Director of Presidential Personnel. However according to reports, she was reassigned four times due to her unsettling behavior. Her co-workers stated that she did not do her job and Omarosa countered that she was just 23 during that time and had barely any training. 3. She earned a degree in broadcast journalism in Central State University and received a master’s degree in Howard University. The apprentice star also received training in Biblical Studies at Payne Theological Seminary. 4. Omarosa has a controversial dating life. She was divorced to former husband, Aaron Stallworth and is now married to John Allen Newman, a senior pastor at The Sanctuary at Mt. Calvary Church in Florida. She was previously engaged to the late celebrity, Michael Clarke Duncan. When Duncan passed away die to heart attack, his sister started a controversy and accused Omarosa of manipulating her brother’s will. She reported that before Duncan died, she influenced him to rewrite his will and leave most of it to her. Duncan’s sister said that Omarosa was fixated on her brother’s money. Omarosa denied any of this and claimed that his sister was trying to extort money from her. Read the original story via

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