
Stargirl Quotes

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People try to hard to be popular in Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. Stargirl becomes Susan to try to be popular, but it did not work. The most important lesson that we learned from Stargirl is that popularity does not matter, no matter how much you are hated. In the book, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli it shows that popularity does not matter when Stargirl was cheering for the other team even though everyone hated it. What is happening in the quote is Stargirl is being really nice and friendly to the other team, While everyone else does not like what she is doing. “Dribble Dribble sis Boom Boom we don't bite we don't nibble we just say howwww-dee friends were the electrons who are yyyyyyou?” The quote supports the theme because it shows Stargirl singing

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