
Statement of Purpose to Pursue my Masters' in Masters in Automotive from Windsor University of Ontario

Decent Essays

“A dream acted upon by confidence becomes an ambition and that when followed with determination defines the purpose of existence in its entirety” It is with a sincere sense of gratitude towards the opportunity given to me, I pen down this statement. Education not only expands the horizons of one's knowledge but also simultaneously implants an insatiable desire to acquire more and more knowledge. Knowledge is that which can enhance the strength of mind and there by expand the intellect of man. It is that which can transcend the limits of the time and take mankind beyond those limits to the timeless eternity. The knowledge, which science and technology had provided for the mankind has always fascinated me and had left an indelible impression on my mind to envisage my goals and aims ahead.

Goals and Aspirations To pursue higher education in Masters in Automotive by doing my masters in an esteemed university, and thereby make a mark in the field of Automobile.My aspiration is to acquire the wisdom from the knowledge and thereby give it back to the scientific community in specific and mankind in general in the long run.
Academic Background My years in school, apart from providing a strong foundation in Math and Basic Sciences, also enabled me to develop my overall personality. I have participated in various annual training camps of NCC (National Cadet Corps) arranged by our school. I was also appointed as monitor of the class. Being an avid

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