
Status Quo

Decent Essays

With promotions come leadership positions and expectations. Those that are put in those positions must be able to identify the status quo and whether or not it is effective. The status quo is a position in time that appears to be running smoothly. Searching for other avenues may cause disruption the status quo is a permanent process. A permanent process may have been the correct efficient way to get ahead of the competition but competition is looking for new innovations to jump ahead which is why it is so important for managers to think about tomorrow as much as today.
As a manager within the military, the status quo is always disrupted every three to four years. This change in leadership brings a different perspective on policies and …show more content…

According to Losey, Meisinger, and Ulrich (2005), it is all about execution and great ideas will remain great ideas if not started. The military needs those young members move the military forward. They will resupply the senior members that retire. Those members that are career members are less likely to leave the service when they have put so much time in. The status quo change must be delivered correctly to intrigue, motivate and inspire the young and remind the career military members why they …show more content…

According to Farmer (2011), new leaders can lack initiative and experience to execute the decisions which can be a very big problem because much of the military databases are online and used via the World Wide Web. The decisions to change from what is working but is outdated to current relevant processes may need extra considerations due to the web based databases.
The reward with this is the fact that less paper, time and manpower is needed to run these programs effectively. There are those times when the network is down or the power is out which can cause a delay in processing. There will be risk with reward and
The risk is the potential of a security breach for the online programs. Employees not only have to learn how to use the new databases, programming, and processing but also understand the basic internet and computer

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