
Stem Cell Research

Decent Essays

Persuasive Essay Many controversial and moral stricken issues have been put into question in today's modern society. Some of which include gay marriage, and abortion. Yet one of the most controversial has to be stem cell research. A Stem Cell is a "generic" cell that can make exact copies of itself indefinitely. It also has the ability to make specialized cells for various tissues in the body such as the heart muscle, brain and liver. But why exactly is stem cell research so controversial? Well mostly those who oppose embryonic stem cell research do so on the grounds that the cells die in the process. But what those people might not know is that an embryo is no bigger than a pinhead. And therefore there is no human suffering. Stem cell …show more content…

California was one of the only states that approved a $3 billion bond to fund embryonic stem cell research, thus advancing our knowledge to this new breakthrough. With California approving this new research, it may encourage other states to engage in stem cell research. As a result of California funding stem cell research programs, might give other states an initiative to start embryonic stem cell research as well. We can now see the incredible amount of good that stem cell research will have on mankind if ever accepted in our society. But let us just analyze and compare the benefits stem cell research will have, as opposed to the war that is now taking place in Iraq. Is the suffering of so many young soldiers in Iraq worth the efforts that our government has put on this war? Why have they made it such a priority? Instead of focusing on something that will have a positive outcome in the future, they have chosen to go with a war, which in many people's point of view has no purpose. Is the life of America, British, and Iraqi people worth it? Not to mention the effect it is having on the rest of the world. Is killing an embryonic cell really so morally wrong? Think about when a person kills a lobster for dinner. The lobster has a nervous system, which in turn feels pain; on the other hand an embryonic cell feels no pain at all. Stem Cell Research has become one of the most controversial subjects in the

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