
Stem Cell Research: The Debate Over Federal Funding Essay

Decent Essays

Embryonic Stem Cell Research:

Pro-Federal Funding

The Alliance for Aging Research is a non-profit organization that promotes the use of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. As an agency geared toward improving the health of human beings as they age, some of their responsibilities include lobbying for federal legislation, conducting studies and surveys, and creating and distributing educational materials to health care professionals and the public. With Baby Boomers closely reaching the later stages of life, this group has found themselves focused primarily on research programs for the geriatric.

In order to ensure progress and the stability of their organization, they have established some fundamental guidelines …show more content…

He also follows up with an argument that posing fines or jail sentences on research is only going to scare future bright minds away from pursuing careers in the medical research field. To conclude Perry's argument in support of stem cell research, he sum's it up with the Alliance's stance that it is our patriotic duty to pursue human expansion potential to its fullest extent.

Embryonic Stem Cell Research:

Anti-Federal Funding

Do No Harm: The Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics takes a very firm stand against the use of federal funding to aid in embryonic stem cell research. This coalition was founded by 8 extensively educated medical professionals, with the majority of them having specialized backgrounds in ethics or bioethics. The basis of their stance on the argument lies with the legally recognized practice of informed consent that requires a physician to do no harm to a patient. Their argument is that embryonic stem cell research that requires the destruction of a human embryo for the greater good of medicine legally, morally, and ethically defies the informed consent practice.

Most of Do No Harm's argument against the destruction of a human embryo for stem cell research is based on their belief that it is medically unnecessary. This is supported by many examples of stem cell research advancement in

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