
Stereotypes In Mean Girls

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Everyone has had their fair share of high school drama; whether it’s rude stares down the hallway, distant whispering behind your back, spreading rumors about students and faculty, social sabotage, or segregated school lunch tables. The teen drama film Mean Girls delves into the sociocultural environment of teenage academia. This two hour film documents how Cady, the new girl from Africa, starts her first day of public school. Throughout her high school adventures she learns the social hierarchy and rules created by the students for the students. As she begins to adjust, she climbs the social ladder and becomes one of the cool kids, or as everyone calls them, “the plastics”. In the article, High-School Confidential Notes on Teen Movies, by David Denby, he claims that the enemy in teen movies is not the authority figure as many may believe, but rather it is the students themselves, and the surrounding climate that they create. The film Mean Girls is the perfect example that show cases Denby’s claim through superiority mindsets, social cliques, and lack of parental involvement.
Some high school students are reserved and get through the day as quickly as possible, while others take control and claim superiority. They see others as inferiors and make it their mission to intentionally make others students feel like outcasts. For example, a reoccurring symbol throughout the film is the burn book, an album filled with rumors and photos of women in the school created by the

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