
Stigma Damages In The Media

Decent Essays

Stigma damages is all about perceptions. These perceptions can be reasonable or unreasonable. The public hears about these incidents occurring to property and then make their perceptions of how they view the property. The public is what creates the perceptions and therefore, triggers the risks that become associated to that contaminated property. Media has a lot to do with this. For the most part, people are uneducated with the risks that are associated with contamination on property and believe what they hear on the media, which can be biased and incorrect. Based on studies, the media usually broadcasts the big stories with the major contaminations on property. Therefore, people perceive these incidents as the risks that can occur on their property if contaminated. These perceptions also affects the owners’ behavior because the fear could make them do drastic things or just make them feel paranoid of what people may think about their property. It is hard to prevent media from broadcasting the stories they want to show, therefore, there is always going to be these perceptions from people about contamination. These property owners just have to prove with some evidence, some type of …show more content…

This perception can be sufficient to recover stigma damages. As mentioned before, how the defendants become liable is based on what the media puts out in their stories. If there is a huge chemical spill and the media do not broadcast it, then there is no stigma for the public to perceive. The public would not perceive it as a health risk because they wouldn’t have known about it. The fears have to be reasonable and show some type of harm, if not, then everyone could really claim a suit for

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