
Stop-Loss Policy Essay

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Stop-Loss Policy

War has been around since the beginning of time. People have been asked to defend for their country and to die for their cause. But is the war that America is currently involved in, one of the times where people should be forced to die and stay overseas. The men and women who volunteered to fight for the country they love, are not being forced to stay longer then the original time they were supposed to stay, all thanks to President Bush’s “stop-loss policy” otherwise known as the “back-door draft.”

The “stop-loss program” was introduced in order to counter act the number of men and women’s lives lost in the war and the number of people who have not been signing up to join. There are few arguments that are pro …show more content…

As well as the deaths, there have been many people detaching from the military without making the commitment to return, but instead to head off to make their way in the civilian world, using what the military taught them to survive. Plus the number of civilians who have been signing up has drastically decreased; leaving the number of soldiers to fight what Bush stared very minimal. According to Dennis Wagner, a reporter for The Arizona Republic on Friday December 10, 2004 “National Guard sign-ups were 12 percent short of the military’s goal.” Before America went into this war to free the Iraqi people, the military and government should have thought about all of the outcomes. They should have seen that the numbers of military personnel was decreasing even before the war started. How is the United States of America going to give someone freedom, when their own citizens do not have the freedom that they deserve.

The war America is fighting over in Iraq is to bring democracy to their country; it was at first though to find the “weapons of mass destruction” that Bush claimed Saddam Hussein was holding in Iraq. Though this search was done only after President Bush could not find Bin Laden, even after he swore he would, and without the support of most of the world, and no weapons were found. So is America fighting this war for the right reasons or are they just

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