
Mrs Mallard

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Character Analysis of “Story of an Hour” Kate Chopin was brilliant at the art of short stories, in that she could compress so much of a character’s personality and growth into a few pages. In her brief career, she published two novels and two short stories; and some of them are included in the Complete Works. In Chopin’s short story, “The Story of an Hour”, her ability to contain a long trail of change in her character’s way of thinking. Mrs. Mallard, the protagonist in “The Story of an Hour” has under gone the loss of her husband on the train wreck. As the story progresses we see how she contravenes through different feelings about the condition. When Mrs. Mallard start off as a fearful woman, but through the death of her husband’s grief turns into relief and freedom, and has evolved into a stronger and more independent woman.
When Josephine told that Brently has died, Louise cries rather than senseless, as she knows many other women would do. Her reaction shows that she is an emotional, demonstrative, and impassioned woman. At the beginning of the story, its focused-on Mrs. Mallard’s fragility. She is cast as a weak hearted woman, lonely. In the text, “Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the new of her husband’s death,” (Chopin 169). Mrs. Mallard is not a strong person with heart failure. Louise Mallard is speaking of her husband, which indicates that her husband was the more dominate in

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