
Story Of An Hour Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

When one has been bound under someone’s will without knowing, once given freedom one may feel as if they no longer have to answer and or obey ever anyone ever again. This may bring upon a feeling of hope, joy, and or satisfaction. In the “The Story of An Hour” Kate Chopin introduced the character Mrs. Mallard, who was recently given the news that her husband was in a terrible accident and pronounced dead. Throughout the story Mrs. Mallard seemed to displayed many different emotions. Chopin develops suspicion in the passage by using the literary techniques such as paragraph structure, irony, and foreshadowing. Let’s first take a look at how the different structures of the passage really gave suspension to the story line.
In the passage “The story of an hourKate Chopin’s paragraph structures really added suspense in many different ways. For one the shortness of the paragraph made the reader wonder what was going to take place. Or even lead the reader to think more of the meaning behind the short paragraph. Also the structure of the paragraphs made the reader question why some were two to three sentences when others were barely a sentence long. For example in paragraph 14 “Free! Body and soul free! She kept whispering.” This paragraph itself led you to believe Mrs. Mallard is …show more content…

The author Kate Chopin used this technique in a very unique way. She never really came out and directly stated the Mrs. Mallard was happy about the death. Chopin gave little hints that left the reader guessing until she actually reveal how she truly felt. But by that time the reader had a clue about what might be taking place. For example in paragraph ten “she said it over and over under her breath: free, free, and free!” This was also a major part because this left us wondering “what is she free from her husband just died”. This is where began to imply that she might actually be enthusiastic about her late

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