
Story Of An Hour Symbolism Essay

Decent Essays

Kate Chopin expresses feeling throughout “The Story of an Hour” as symbolism takes an effect toward the story. The death of Mrs. Mallard’s husband leads to her despair, but one look out of her open window changes her sadness into joy.The window shows her all the beautiful things that are within the world, and that is when she realizes that she not bound to her husband any longer. This open window of hers creates symbolism as it indicates her new found freedom from her husband. Symbolism takes effect at this point as it helps create the theme of the story, helps strengthen the irony, and builds up the conflict as her new feelings start to emerge. At the beginning of the story Mrs. Mallard has been told of her husband’s death, but even with this depressing news she manages to find a sense of joy through it all. This is because the time period of this story was during the Victorian era, where women did not have all the same rights they do in today’s century, especially when they are …show more content…

Mallard’s husband is indeed alive, and as the readers read the story again, it is already known that Mr. Mallard is alive and Mrs. Mallard believed that the years ahead of her were full of Spring and Summer days on her own.Mrs. Mallard’s freedom from her window and her joy of it is now known as irony. Symbolism takes an effect to strengthen that irony because her ideas of freedom are not what she expected, and she did not know that her husband were still alive. Another example of irony that takes place in the story was when Mrs. Mallard’s sister Josephine worries to tell Mrs. Mallard the terrible news of Mr. Mallard because, as mentioned in the beginning of the story, she has heart problems and they thought she wouldnt take the news so well and it will trouble her heart. This is an example of irony because although she was sad at first, she then found her freedom and was not troubled at all, more of very happy

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