
Story Of An Hour Women

Decent Essays

The issue regarding women’s rights is not a new one. In the past, men and women have played very distinctive roles throughout history. For many centuries women have been dependent and trapped in dysfunctional and toxic relationships. In these two significant stories, in “Story Of An Hour” written by Kate Chopin and “The other wife” written by Colette, a common issue of woman’s freedom is revealed through symbols, characters, and setting.

In both short stories, the authors use symbols to convey the theme of female freedom and liberty. In “Story Of An Hour”, Kate Chopin uses the symbol of an open window that exemplifies the joy and freedom Louise was feeling; following the news of her husband's death. Although she loved her husband as a person she did not …show more content…

Women were to obey their oppressive husbands and take care of their children. Marriages were not always about mutual love, but especially during this era, for women it was about living comfortably and social status. In both stories, the female characters are involved in relationships with dominant men and feel unfulfilled. In Kate Chopin’s short story, the protagonist Louise is clearly a woman that was not fulfilled in her marriage and was controlled by her husband. “She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression” (Chopin 1). It is evident that the lines on Louise’s face are a symbol of the oppression that she was going through in her marriage. On the other hand, Alice in the story of “The Other Wife” is also submissive. When she enters the restaurant with her husband he immediately guides her to the table that he wants and orders the food that he desires. “The shrimp, then the eggs with bacon. And the cold chicken with the romaine salad” (Colette 1). It is noticeable that Marc does all the decision making while Alice is tied down. These two narratives show how similar both characters

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