
Cuban Missile Crisis Case Study

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Strategic decision success is heavily reliant on the attitudes that managers take toward the decision-making process and toward the decision itself. The Cuban missile crisis is the most well known case of strategic decision making at the level of the nation-state. The nature of the case was such that the use of evaluative frameworks and concepts along with the right managerial attitudes eventuated in a successful strategic outcome. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a confrontation between the United States, the Soviet Union and Cuba. In April 1962 the Soviets began supplying Cuba with military arms in the form of surface-to-air missiles and surface-to-surface cruiser missiles, and later, sometime during the spring of 1962, the Soviets began to …show more content…

It was a tricky situation, made all the more complex by the most important constraint: time. For every day that the United States did not act, the Soviets became closer to completing the missile sites with nuclear capability and in turn closer to obtaining a strategic military advantage over the United States.

When these constraints were reviewed by the Executive Committee it was clear that they would have to remove the missiles from Cuba in such a way that would preserve the balance of power and not work to the political disadvantage of the United States. The United States had a number of options to choose between, each with its own positive and negative outcomes. It was clear that due to the time constraints, a diplomatic approach would fail as the time required would allow the Soviets to finish the missile bases and in turn make it more difficult to induce a complete withdrawal.

Another option was to use military attacks on Cuba to destroy the missiles immediately. While this would be very effective in terms of time, it would not be the best choice overall as it would not only worsen the world’s opinion towards the United States but also strengthen the

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