This TED talk is about how we perceive stress. Kelly McGonigal explains the effects of believing that stress is a bad thing, and attempts to persuade us to think of stress as a good thing. She informs us that when we think of stress positively, we can reduce our risk of heart failure, and increase our motivation towards the challenge that is causing this particular stress. She also informs us about managing stress by encouraging us to be more social.
Kelly McGonigal is a health psychologist. This makes her a credible source because she receives patients with large amounts of stress. This helps us explore her research on stress to believe what she is talking about. The specific purpose for her speech is to inform and persuade that stress can be seen as a positive thing, and can help us live a healthier life. McGonigal centralizes her idea around the way we think about stress and how it affects us mentally and physically. Her speech is done impromptu because she engages with the audience to give examples and explanations about how stress feels. Then, she shows us the facts that align with her research.
McGonigal's organizational pattern of arrangement is based
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Then she relates this to the audience about making connections with others and creating resilience to stress. This makes a memorable impression because she makes connections to stress and good biological relationships that the audience than use to appreciate stress even more. I personally find the ending of this speech effective because it leaves us with a good perception of stress. To me, it was clear that she wanted stress to be a good thing for us, and I got that impression with the connections she made throughout her speech with our minds, our bodies, and our connections with
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We are going to look at the rhetorical situation. But to start let me tell you a little bit about this Ted Talk, within this video McGonigal talks about how stress can be bad for you and your body if you look at stress as a bad thing, but stress can be good for you as well. She talks about some studies and how you can change your mindset. McGonigal has been teaching that stress
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‘“Excuse me, Ken, but what do you qualify my talk as provocative? I just said we should treat sick people, if we have the technology”’ (Kidder, 147)
I really enjoyed watching Kelly Mcgonigal video. I can honest agree with the study of stress By understanding feeling stress can be good for you. My reasons is because stress is a feeling of what you think could be wrong in your life or different obstracles. You can control your thoughts and feelings and think of stress as a challenge. Think of a challeng that you will only conquer. What you think of stress in your life view. Understanding that feeing stress could be helpful, knowing thats its only a battle that you will defeat. In the video students from Harvard University was tested by doing a stress social test.They was taught to be prepared and rethink they
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While all fields of academia possess some level of practical application, there remains an ever-important and all-encompassing skill which is needed to truly understand each subject: reading. Though literacy rates in the US near 100%, literacy unaccompanied by tools such as context, critical analysis, and sufficient skepticism can leave one lost in arduous texts and vulnerable to flawed arguments. This notion is rarely rejected by anyone at face value, rather, questions regarding the implementation and perceived importance of certain reading strategies alienates differing camps. Many attempts at mitigating the dilemma of subpar reading comprehension have been made, most notably, Daniel Willingham's proposed reform of early education, Michael
From elementary school to high school, I was taught that my writing had to be structured and follow strict criteria. After I arrived in Mr. Mukherjee’s ENG 102 class, I was given the opportunity to express my creative freedom through words and graphical pictures. It can often be difficult and challenging to improve upon my own writing abilities unless motived with an idea in mind. When looking back on my time at ASU, I thought about the goals that I wanted to address for myself and the course goals that my instructor had set for the class. These goals include ones that I had accomplished to the best of my ability and ones that I need to address as well as improve.
Stress is a huge factor in everyday life; something that most people experience on a daily basis, and indeed, suffer from without ever really giving it much thought at all. It is defined as “the process by which we [human beings] appraise and cope with environmental threats and challenges” (Myers, 2014, p. 2.9), and the National Institute of Mental Health states that stress is “the brain’s response to any demand” (National Institute of Mental Health, n.d.). It has the ability to affect the human body in both positive and negative ways, and according to David Myers, it is all in how we face these challenges (2014, p. 2.9) whether we will succeed or end up feeling even more stressed out than before. It is for this reason that the concept of
If a large majority of individuals view stress as their enemy, this can severely take a toll on their health throughout their lifetime, and even cause their life to be shortened prematurely. As the lecture illustrates, 43 percent of people who believe stress as harmful had an increased risk of dying. An obstacle or barrier that might hinder this improvement would be human nature, because it’s easy for human to get stressed and be clouded with thoughts to be able to solve the issue of handling stress. On the other hand, to solve the obstacles the society needs to be educated on how to make stress their friend. Also, introducing mechanism within their life to reduce stress, and urge others to see stress as a positive thing rather than a negative. Thus causing society to live a healthier physical and mental lifestyle in the
Specific Purpose Statement: The audience will learn what causes stress and how stress can affect their health, and how they can manage their everyday stress with different techniques.
“Stress is a silent disease” (Doctor Hobel). Over the years, stress has played a major rule in a large majority of people’s lives throughout the United States. When thought about, it is said to be extremely surprising as to how many people really have stress in each individual’s life. People do not consider what the reasons are for the feelings and emotions they experience. There are all different types of stress, and stress can do a lot to a person. Each person also handles stress in a different way. Some can handle more than others, because every single person’s body works in a different way. Stress has also been told to cause people to act out of character (Dr. David Posen). They often do not act the way they usually would while under