
Student Loan Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Your over 8 thousand in debt from previous loans, and acting like it's not a bad thing. You owe a large lump sum of money to a lender that you will pay for all threw your life. You're trying to get married, and get back in school which will set you back even further in debt. I completely understand the american dream of having what you can’t afford, and the comfy lifestyle of others. Yet, you do realize we have the same job and work the same hours this will not work out because i know what you make weekly. Just with the original, no interest, payments for the 8000 in student loans will pull you down with your living expenses. You are behind 8 thousand in payments, and you still want to go back to school with more loans, and more debt sacked …show more content…

While making 18 thousand a year. The average interest rate for student loans id 5%. 5% of 48 thousand is 2400 dollars making your total payment 50,800. This will take 14 years to pay off at 300 per month. A marriage is a very costly ceremony, and will be very hard to pull the perfect one off. So at 50 thousand in debt, a car payment, and living expenses. How do you plan to pay all this off. You need to plan head in this point of you life and cut off that 50 thousand, while paying the 8 thousand in that. My main point is just be debt free so you can enjoy your life with your soon to be wife, and have a great chance of the relationship lasting due to money issues. Money issues is the cause of divorce in a relationship. The american dream has become part of our culture, and consumption is the foundation. The better stuff you own the more impressive you are. The most powerful car in or biggest house with this and this feature is what make are wealth appear to others. The amount we party and spend reflex on us as money hungry country. So we take out loans for nice things and tell people it’s ours, as if you're on the price is

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