
Substance Abuse And Its Effects On The United States

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Thousands of years ago, humans first started drinking wine, then later on in around 4000 B.C. narcotics were used, but during the 19th century is when the active substances in drugs were found. Many of these substances were given over the counter and weren 't regulated, which meant that people could easily obtain substances such as morphine, cocaine, landuam, and many others. During the early 1900s, an estimate of about 250,000 people were abusing a substance within the United States. Substance abuse is a serious problem which can affect one 's physical and psychological capabilities, their relationships, and also their daily life overall. Overusing a substance may lead to addiction, which can be hard to overcome, but it 's not impossible. …show more content…

and contributing to the health problems and death of millions of Americans every year. Today, substance abuse causes more deaths, illnesses, and disabilities than any other preventable health condition" (8). These deaths are not only common for adults, but also for teens as they are introduced to substances such as alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Once introduced to these substances, they may start to use it more often, and eventually start abusing it which affects their health and may lead to death. This is the leading cause of deaths compares to any other preventable disease in the United States.
Abuse of a substance leads to a wide range of physical health problems, some of which can be severe while others aren 't too serious. Some of the mild physical effects include changes in sleeping patterns, appetite and one 's physical appearance. Clinical studies show that "the most common health problems were gastrointestinal and liver disorders, but about a quarter of the sample had cardiovascular or neurological problems. With regard to other diseases (e.g. liver disease, pancreatitis, hypertension, central nervous system impairment) the effects of alcohol are well-established" (Gossop, 194). These health problems are associated with the abuse of a substance, particularly alcohol. They

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