
Substance Abuse Case Study

Decent Essays

There are many individuals that are incarcerated that are part of a substance abuse program that provides treatments and different methods to help them overcome their addiction. There are often moments where these offenders have characteristics that affect the treatment all due to criminal thinking and criminal value (NCBI, 2005). Many times, these criminal justice clients resist treatment and deny that they have a substance abuse problem, which can create chronic problems for them if they do not seek rehabilitation (NCBI, 2005). Often, offenders usually will have psychosocial problems that can contribute to their substance abuse, which they have no control over after a period (NCBI, 2005). With these psychological issues, it can cause the individual to have a low self-esteem, depression, anxiety; and also enhanced expectations on the use of substances (NCBI, 2005). …show more content…

Substance abuse disorders can be treatable as it has helped stopped so many from continuing the substance abuse (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2014). Depending on the person, the addiction can be managed successfully (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2014). There are times where the substance abuse treatment is just a temporary fix, and the individual can relapse into the abuse. Just because the person has relapsed does not mean that the individual failed (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2014). Relapse is a possibility for many people with substance abuse addictions. The relapse can be assisted with an adjusted or another treatment that could be tried on the individual because one treatment may not work for all people, it may vary from person to

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