
Substance Abuse Case Study

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Boys face the stereotype of always having to be tough and confident (pg.286). So, Terrel, being an athlete, might start to consume alcohol to show his strength and to appear cool and adult-like to his peers, especially to other boys. He might also take on smoking and consuming alcohol since he has lived with his mother who has these unhealthy habits. Even, when she was pregnant with him, she was smoking and drinking and has not been successful in eliminating these habits. Prenatal exposure to smoking and alcohol raises the likelihood of a child to consume these substances early in life (FindYouthInfo 2013). Terrell grew up to be a quite healthy child despite having had a very high risk of developing FAS or FAE. But his mother continuance with these unheathy habits puts him at great risk of developing substance abuse. …show more content…

For a child to have no set discipline and parental supervision and guidance, he or she might make the choice to use illegal substances and will lack the correction to their mistakes. Consequently, adolescents that report low parental monitoring are more likely to be engaged in substance abuse (SAMHSA 2013). For that matter, Terrell would have succumbed to the illegal substances that were being used by many of his peers, if it were not for his grandmother and his extended family. His family were involved in his life and he was comfortable in sharing any concerns he had about school or just in general to the adults in his life. His temperament is moderate, he is not a very aggressive child. Since agressiveness is known to be pervasive among adolescents that abuse illegal substances (FindYouthInfo 2013). He is very outgoing and popular among his peers, he has not faced any ostracization or bullying. He has matured quite normally, which is typical of same-aged

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