
Sue Monk Kidd's The Secret Life Of Bees

Decent Essays

Sue Monk Kidd portrays the time and place in the Secret Life of Bees by displaying Rosaleen working in the peach farms, then taken in to work in the house, giving the task of a housekeeper and Lily's nanny. Around ten years after, Lily turning 14, Rosaleen learns how to read and write her own name in order to turn in her ballot voting for J.F. Kennedy. Attempting to vote, Rosaleen and Lily were ambushed by a trio of white racists men, resulting in physical abuse of Rosaleen.When the police arrived, the white civilians claimed assault against Rosaleen, who is taken into jail charged with assault, theft(of a “church fan”), and abuse. Lily, caught up in between, also ended up in jail, to be later bailed out by her furious father. Determined, Lily breaks Rosaleen out of jail after finding out just how much Frank [he assaulted Rosaleen in jail so crudely that she had to go to the hospital] despised African Americans and fled to Tiburon, searching for clues about her mother Debera Owens. While finding shelter in a home with August, sister of May and June, May passes away. When the police questioned Lily's decision of staying with "colored people," he claimed that she didn't have …show more content…

This law was executed to achieve isolation of African Americans, giving more power and wealth to the majority[Whites]. Priests were teaching the whites that they [the whites] were "chosen" to be superior, while African Americans were "cursed" and that God believed in racial segregation. Theology was used to repress a change in racial segregation, and violence was promoted to keep African Americans at the bottom of the racial hierarchy. Routines of African Americans were supposed to be distinct from white routines. Simple thing such as greetings or conversations were not be to directed "immorally" towards the

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