
Summary: Ferrocity In The Congress

Decent Essays

Ferocity in the Congress After the violence that ferociously occurred in Kansas, attracted a lot of attention and caused controversy in the congress. Abolitionist, Charles Sumner of Massachusetts, declared a speech called “The Crime Against Kansas.” This speech was against slavery. Sumner proclaimed against proslavery senators and he was the leader of the anti slavery forces in Massachusetts. He also repeatedly spoke against Preston Brook’s cousin, Andrew P. Butler. Two days after the speech, Preston Brooks, who he thought Sumner went too far, fiercely walked in to the senate chamber and repeatedly bludgeoned Sumner with a cane. Sumner unfortunately fell unconscious and bruised that he won’t return to the senate for several years. In Charles Sumner’s speech he talks about all the wrong being done in Kansas. This incident where Charles was severely injured would have never happened if the people within Kansas weren’t fighting with the border ruffians. These people were citizens within Missouri that crossed the border to vote in Kansas for proslavery laws, abusing the right of popular sovereignty. Obviously, one of the senates of Kansas spoke in the name of the main citizens, thus causing Charles to be beaten down by Preston Brooks by a cane. …show more content…

The South saw Brooks’ action as a reasonable act as he bludgeoned Sumner with a cane. South Carolinians also gave Brooks dozens of new canes in his honor. In the House, representatives tried to expel Brooks but it failed. Brooks also claimed that he had not intended to kill Sumner and he said “I meant no disrespect to the Senate of the United States”. In the District of Columbia, he was trialed for court for the attack. He was sentenced for assault and he was fined for $300, but he wasn’t confined in jail. He was later returned to office on August 1, and he was elected into a new term in office in November,

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