
Summary Of Baldwin's Essay On A Tiny Swiss Village

Decent Essays

Baldwin begins his essay by discussing a tiny Swiss village that he finds himself drawn too. He describes the village as remote and virtually unknown. City people are considered a “sight” to the people of this small village. I believe that Baldwin’s apparent subject is about the people who inhabit this small village and how it is not uncommon for them to have never seen a black person. I think the deeper issue Baldwin is discussing is the history of racism and the relationship between blacks and whites.
I think Baldwin does an excellent job of meshing the two subjects. As he describes his time in the village he recounts how people where at first fascinated with his differences. He was simply a “living wonder” (2) to the people. As he moves through his essay he transitions into the aspect of slavery and racism in America. By introducing the Swiss village and the mindset of the people who inhabit this village he is able to easily transition into the mindset of America and the history of slavery. …show more content…

In this last paragraph Baldwin begins by explaining that he is no longer the stranger he was when he first came to the village. The villagers no longer question his appearance and wonder more about what kind of person he is. It appears that reactions are split. They either are very welcoming or they don’t pay him any mind. He ends this paragraph by illustrating the fact that some of them men look at him the way that white men do “when out walking with their Sunday girl and they see a Negro male approach” (4). After this he is able to transition and discuss race relations in

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