
Summary Of Caesar In Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes

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While Rosemary finds similarities between herself and Tarzan with their desires to belong, she also “imagined Fern’s life as a Tarzan reversal” (Fowler 103). Fern, like other chimpanzees raised as human children, feels the same displacement and disillusion with her hope to find a home as Tarzan. Even more similar to Fern’s predicament than Tarzan is Caesar in Rise of the Planet of the Apes. In the film, humans raise Caesar in their home just as Rosemary’s family raises Fern. The question posed in the film, however, is whether Caesar’s house with Will Rodman, a scientist who tests his medical developments on other chimpanzees, is a home or a prison. In the first few years of his life, Caesar feels that he lacks for nothing and swings, climbs, and leaps his way around the home Will and his dying father share. They treat Caesar like a human child and encourage his development, but deny him, due to their urban residence, a place to freely climb and play with other chimps, a problem that only worsens as Caesar grows. When Will drives him to Muir Woods to play, he first must unhook Caesar’s leash, which leads the ever-stronger and smarter ape to question whether he is a pet to be controlled and held captive or a true member of Will’s family. As he grows older, Caesar realizes that he does not belong with his human family that treats him with contradicting and controlling restrictions, for both his good and bad. Despite feeling a love for and bond with Will, he begins to

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