
Summary Of Confronting Inequality By Paul Krugman

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The United States has returned to a time of the gilded age for inequality. The middle and lower class are in need of more help financially and economically. In this article “Confronting Inequality”, by Paul Krugman, claims that inequality is negatively affecting society and democracy. Lastly, I think Paul Krugman is correct about income inequality causing social inequality, and the United States should consider some of his solutions. One could argue, that income inequality causes social inequality. One of krugman's big examples was health care. That the wealthy tend to be healthier because they can afford health care and the middle/lower class tend to be less healthier because they can't afford daily check ups or medical bills. At this point krugman brings up universal health care. He states that bush taxes would not only help people with universal healthcare but it would benefit the economy with more money. A real life example that could relate to this problem would be obama care. President Trump wants to repeal obama care and many families are worried that they won't get the help they need or that kids will take harm from this problem. That is why Krugman believes that health …show more content…

Middle class families are filing for bankruptcy just so that their children can live a good life. As Krugman states families are buying houses on expensive neighborhoods just because of how good the school district is. But, doing this causes families to take out loans and eventually causing them to go in debt. My family can relate to this problem in many ways. My aunt moved to a very expensive town just so that my cousin could go to a top state high school. But not only is she struggling with rent or taxes, she’s struggling with school fees because my cousin is very active in sports. With these pieces of evidence shows that no one gets equal priorities when inequality is

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