
Summary Of Do The Right Thing

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I think the most significant aspect of the reading called “Civil Rights Movement: People and Perspective” is the aspect of the black freedom struggle and how African Americans fought for freedom, justice and equality. The black freedom struggle is important because it encompasses social movements in the U.S whose goals were to end discrimination and racial segregation against African Americans. The film I chose called Do the Right Thing relates to the black freedom struggle that is covered in the reading and displays racist scenes. In this reading, the aspect of the black freedom struggle is the most important because it addresses how grassroots activism marked the era, the unmatched support from black allies, how the black freedom struggle got backing from all three branches of government, how it received extensive international …show more content…

According to (Ezra, Page 2), “Black insurgency was supported by thousands of first-time protestors and freedom fighters of all ages and backgrounds, which created a groundswell of participation in the freedom struggle”. This act gave the black freedom struggle movement momentum which ensured its survival after setbacks. The black freedom struggle had unmatched support from nonblack allies, particularly whites. Although African Americans drove the civil rights movement, they had more support from whites than they had ever had before. During this time, whites had lent their skills, and donated their money to help support this movement. Although the country was dominated politically, economically, and numerically by whites, blacks still gained support from whites. Also, the black freedom struggle had received significant backing from all three branches of government during the time period of 1954-1968. For example, the Supreme Court decision like Brown gave freedom fighters the legal backing they needed to successfully demand equality. The African American struggle had received extensive international support as well.

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